What is 99Finds?

My name is Jasmine and Welcome to 99Finds!! As a corporate girl for the last 10 years I have been pushed, pulled and worked myself to exhaustion. After year 4 in corporate, I started making small changes to my life with the goal of saving time, and making things easier. Many people struggle with the pull of corporate. Responding to emails at any time, checking Teams just in case something came up and never truly clocking out. The last straw was  wondering what my true interests were because I spent the last couple of months eating, sleeping and breathing work to get a new release out. 

While I still work in a corporate job, my life and priorities have significantly changed. 99Finds brings my perspective of building a fulfilling life outside of a corporate job.

How can I make things easier? 99Finds is a collection of everything that brings Balance, Ease, and Efficiency to my life .

  • Life Hacks: Simple changes and setting goals.

  • Fitness Finds:A healthy mind leads to a healthy life.

  • Travel Finds: I travel often for work, so lets make it efficient.

  • Pup Finds: All things related to being a dog mom! I adore my Black Lab, and having a reactive dog was a twist I never expected.

  • Phoenix Finds: Fun things to do in and around Phoenix!

Woman in balancing yoga pose
woman with peace sign at the top of a mountain
Black dog with paws crossed

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