Balance. Ease. Efficiency meets Plant.Body.Soul

With the holidays approaching quicker than anyone would like and the To-Do list growing longer each day, I have been feeling overwhelmed. That doesn’t include wrapping up a job and starting at a new company. I needed a way to clear my mind and make sure I was ready to start my new job with the right mindset. Thats when the Canna Yoga event by Plant.Body.Soul looked like an opportunity to get into the right mindset for this week.

Upon arrival, I was greeted by two friendly staff members, signed my waiver and received a bag of “goodies”. There were new items such as a pain relief ointment, and many regular items such as brand stickers and a vape pen. The studio was clean (which is the first thing I look for because most studios do not allow shoes) smelled great, and the mats were already set up with blocks. There was relaxing music playing, a calming natural scent in the room and the lights were slightly dimmed which made you immediately want to just unwind. Important note: There was no smell of cannabis though it was available at the event.

The class was a mix of meditation, yin and vinyasa types of yoga. The instructor gave an introduction explaining that consumption was not a requirement and encouraging attendees to listen to their bodies first. I was so relaxed that I didn’t even notice when an hour had passed until we were moving into the meditation time of the class. Whether you are an enthusiast of cannabis or not, this was an event I would still recommend, the instructor shared some great queues for how to approach the week and take yoga, movement and meditation practices into your daily life. While she demoed all of the movements, they felt like suggestions and were never rushed.

I have loved yoga since I started practicing in 2014, but I rarely attended this kind of class because of the stigmas behind it. As I start to plan for 2023, I wanted to challenge myself to do new things, think outside of my normal realm of understanding and see what I could learn from simply being open to something new. I really enjoyed Canna yoga and while these classes are not offered everywhere, if you are ever in Arizona I strongly recommend seeing what a Plant.Body. Soul event is like. They are professional, organized and mostly very welcoming to everyone.

Everything from my goodie bag!


Walk it out


Finding Breath