Provision Art Market

It was Friday afternoon and I was doing my usual instagram scroll when I noticed an art market was happening later that evening at Provision Coffee. Provision Coffee is some of my favorite coffee in the Phoenix area, I use their beans at home to make my daily coffee, yes its that good.

Walking into the “art market” I didn’t know what to expect. The post on IG listed a ton of vendors but when I walked in there was a full band and at least 15 vendors. They had taken over every floor in this multi level coffee shop. I will highlight a few of the vendors that I talked to.

The first vendor I stopped at was Camille Creative; she sold earrings, some thrifted clothes, and other small items. The design of the pieces were simple yet elegant, with a gold hypoallergenic metal (I’ve had too many allergic reactions to earrings so I had to try a pair), you can see much closer in the reel linked above. The table setup matched the vibe of the shop with some plants and unique planters on the table as well. I will get into some other vendors that I talked with but there was one thing that stood out while there. All of the vendors seemed genuinely happy to be there, they talked about their businesses, items for sale and what inspired them. I go to a ton of markets and events with vendor tables but this one had a different energy around the entire experience.

The second vendor that I want to highlight is Soulective Scents. This woman makes soy candles with a wood wick. If you have done any research into the candle industry this is the top teir candle that you want. The wooden wick will give you 60-75 hours of burn time and you aren’t inhaling toxic chemicals in your home. There were 4 scents to choose from that all smelled amazing, I could leave this burning in my home and it wouldn’t overpower anything at all. The design of the jar is sleek and I am always happy to support a business that has sustainably sourced materials and is cruelty free.

Kasdeyanyxx had a great layout of items that she crafted herself and art prints close by for sale. The hand crafted ceramic items have a feeling of something sturdy yet handmade. Its clear that she took time to design these pieces and make sure the colors pop. There were also stickers, key chains, earrings, ceramic paint palettes and other small items. She had a variety of items for sale, they each all had a very specific look and vibe to them. I was mostly intrigued by her use of opposing and vibrant colors.

In an effort to keep these posts short and direct I’ll stop here but if you are looking for a small business or 10 to support this event is definitely it! I’ll be watching their IG closely for more events.


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