The Long Haul: Car Edition


For as long as I can remember I have wanted to live on the West coast. I was so desperate that I applied to schools here for undergrad/graduate school and for all the jobs up until 2017. I kept thinking to myself I need to be there, with no idea why or how I would do it. During the Pandemic “soft reopening phase” in late 2020, my lease was ending and I had a crazy idea “What if I move to the West? My best friend had recently moved and that would be the icing on the cake of my dreams”. The idea grew into deeper research and 5 months later I was on my way across the country. Driving from NYC to Phoenix, AZ.

The Preparations:

To prepare for the drive, I had to find someone who would do it with me, this had to be a person with a flexible schedule, someone who I wouldn’t mind spending 20+ hours with and most importantly someone who liked the same kind of snacks. After reviewing some strong candidates, I chose the person I have road tripped with the most since I got a license. My “lil bro” is hilarious, full of energy, loves R&B as much as I do, a travel enthusiast, a hotel snob and the one person that I have spent countless hours driving with. He was the best choice!

So what am I most grateful I did to prepare? Keep Reading!

  • AAA - get the highest tier - Its 100% worth it

  • Small Cooler - I personally love my Yeti

  • Mini Lysol, Purell Singles, Clorox wipes, every sanitizing item you can think of!

  • Tissues/Roll of paper towels - These were especially handy for snacking, sneezing, spills and anything in between

  • Single package snacks - We chose a variety pack of Pop corners

  • Pepto Bismol Chews - There aren’t many healthy options off the highway, you never know what meal may betray you. We found Red Lobster to be the most consistent and trustworthy.

  • Noise Cancelling Headphones or ear plugs - Its a nice way to give your driving buddy some privacy and an extra quiet nap for you!

  • My last recommendation is to wear and pack whatever clothing/socks/shoes you feel the most comfortable in and layers of clothes. While traveling, for long periods of time the best items are just fine but the worst discomforts will drive you crazy especially if its a small space.


The Long Haul: Air Prepared Edition


Carry On