Mid-Year Clear

Summer is finally in full swing! The BBQ’ s and travel are well under way, pools and rooftop bars are your hangout of choice and you have your concerts lined up for the summer (hopefully Renaissance is in your plans). Its finally the right time to be outside and having all the fun with your loved ones. Now if you decide to take a weekend off this is also a great time to refresh your closet, goals and 2nd half of the year planning. Unfortunately the holidays will be here in a few short months and then you wonder to yourself ,“What happened to my goals?”.

Having a mid year check in allows for you to assess how the first half of the year went. I also like to do this in July because its unbearably hot in Phoenix and there are very few things to do outside during the day. Some topics that I decided to address were:

Why do I feel like I am constantly running out of time in my day to day life? Is there a better way to manage my time?

  • What clothes are taking up space in my closet that I haven’t worn in 6 months or longer?

  • For my trips over the next 5 months - are there specific items that I need to travel? Do I need more beach apparel (the answer is always yes).

    • Are there event tickets that I need to book? This is the time I use to make a list for travel

  • Am I on target with my budget goals? Do things need to be adjusted?

  • What can I do to add some more Ease in my life?

Once I have answers to these questions I write out how I can work to meet them I talk more about this process in a previous post.

You can reset any time you want. It doesn’t need to be on a Monday or the first of the month or even the middle of the year. Reset when you feel it’s necessary. Hopefully these questions offer some guidance for your own mid year clear.


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