Fit(ness) Check

Working out has been a huge part of my adult life, there was the hot yoga era, the heavy lifting era and the dreaded the cardio era. This year I found a way to balance the workouts, my mental health and eating for an overall healthier version of me. I wish there was an app to do it for you, but in all honesty it takes some work and dedication and should be customized to YOUR LIFE.  

The first question I would ask is - what is the easiest change to make? 

  • Is it going to a class? This requires a monetary commitment (which can often motivate you to keep going).  There are a variety of classes and you can usually do the new member option to see if you like it. All you have to do is show up! 

  • Is it changing your diet? As we have heard many times, abs are made in the kitchen not the gym. 

    • Are there any healthy substitutes that you can make in your day to day life? Shakes were revolutionary for me because I could prep them for the week and just take them with me as I walked out the door. I like to encourage people to start with ONE easy change that tastes good and adds some extra veggies. 

      • My shake has plant based protein, spinach, ground flaxseed, water and a 1/2 cup of frozen fruit. Quick, easy, and still healthy. 

  • Do you have a gym near your work or home? Is there a place that is a short detour on your commute? Maybe stopping by in the morning or after work could be a small change to your routine. When I commuted 5 days to the office, I would go to the gym at work to avoid the evening traffic and it really helped me to unwind from the stress of the work day. 

    • My gym is in my apartment complex and if there is a 30 minute gap in my work calendar I do quick spin class when its empty.  *No gym membership fee is also a plus here!

The second item to consider is WHY. Why do you want to change? 

  • Has a health care professional recommended this? 

  • Are you feeling sluggish? As the weather gets cold we are less likely to move our bodies. 

  • Maybe you can end the year on a high note by making a small healthy change.

  • Do you feel on edge or like you are taking work into your home life with you? This is a way to let go of work that actually benefits you. 

I have experienced all of these things and each time a different type of workout has been the solution. So that leads me to the next question - what is something you are interested in doing or trying? Is there a movement that FEELS fun to you? Initially for me it was running until my knees said “nope”,  then it was yoga which I still do regularly, but eventually I wanted something more high intensity so I tried bootcamp classes and fell in love with weight lifting all over again. 

My workout regimen now is a mix of all those things. Its taken me over a year to create this schedule and there have been many weeks where I don’t have the motivation to lift on a Monday.  So I have 3 days of Peloton, or 3 days of  low impact workouts because that is what my body needs. The Peloton app is a great place to get started with different class options (not just spin) and if you don’t want to go to a gym.  As you think about what movement looks like for you, try to start slow with something that you like and know that you can build in motivation with an app like Peloton on days when you really just want to quit. 

A typical week for me may look like: 

Monday - Weight lifting focusing on legs 

Tuesday - 45 min spin class with the Peloton app 

Wednesday - Rest day/ yoga or active recovery in the form of an incline walk 

Thursday - Weight lifting focusing on chest, shoulders and back

Friday  - 30 min spin class with the Peloton app (trying to get to happy hour)

Saturday - Weight lifting focusing on triceps and biceps

Sunday - True Rest Day or maybe skating

This is your Fit Check - tell me how you stay healthy and one thing that you would like to improve.  


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