Preparation Tribulations

Its a new year and as we all know its the time to make changes. I try not to subscribe to the pressure of making major changes because its a new year. I like to take the first week or so to reflect on all of the things that I have accomplished in the previous year. Celebrate those things no matter how small they are.

Now that you have celebrated yourself and all the wins, you can look ahead (not too far though) but maybe just to the end of March and ask the question "what is one thing I want to do to improve my life". People tend to answer this question in many ways with vision board parties, digital vision boards for your devices, or simply avoiding it all together. Personally vision boards were never my thing, mostly because very few goals were a one year thing and I was not great at sticking with it all year long. So I started making smaller goals, shorter time spans to accomplish those goals and breaking down the larger goals.

A Real Life Example: I wanted to start working out in the mornings, my work schedule was changing and I thought it would be the perfect time to try out my resolution preparation plan.

Goal: I want to work out 4-5 times a week.

Realistic goal: Get to the gym 3x during the work week

Preparation: Go to bed between 9-10PM on workout days

  • BEFORE bed: Put one scoop of pre-workout in shaker bottle

  • Choose Workout fit, preferably something cute and fun

  • Know your workout. I don't look at mine until I get to the gym but I know where it is on my phone.

  • Plan a reward: If I can make it 3x a week  for 2 weeks I'll get two new matching gym sets.

  • Second Tier Reward: If I make it for a month I can get new workout sneakers

    • *Adds in 4x a week goal

  • Third Tier Reward: If  I can meet this goal for another month I can get a new yoga mat or those yoga rat towels I love.

    • *Adds in 5x a week goal

  • Fourth  Tier reward: If I can make it for 6 months I'll get a new apple watch

This is how I go about planning for a new year. You don't need a planner for $100, this method won't cost you anything. I am very driven by incentives and looking at a goal for 2 weeks to a month at a time feels so much easier than the entire year. My favorite part of this goal planning is, if I fall off I can easily pick back up and make the incentives available earlier.  This method of resolutions feels easier to tackle and there are some key wins to keep me going and consistent.


New Year - Time to Clear


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