2024 Onboarding

Not sure how the new year is feeling for you, but for me it feels like 2023 extended. I’m still tired, not refreshed and just moving along with things that need to be done. I made a vision board, reviewed my goals and made some adjustments to my routine but nothing is really feeling new or exciting.

I’ve decided to take the month of January as an onboarding to 2024, starting slow with prioritizing rest, time with friends, and jotting down little things that I want to work on later this year. When you start a new job it usually takes about 30 days to learn the new systems, the way the new company does things and where to go for questions. Why not give your self 30 days to figure out how you want to shape up the new year?

2024 Onboarding Guide

  • Prioritize rest

  • Unplug from social media - I found that most of the push to do more, set a resolutions and “get in the gym” feelings are on my social media feed.

    • Unplugging is also helpful as people share their highlight reels. Constantly seeing how someone made the most money of their lifetime, hit major milestones and did a bunch of things that maybe were not in your reach is not the morale boost you need . Comparison is truly the thief of joy - stay present in your wins and know you did the best you could.

    • Friendly reminder - no one is highlighting all of their lows or failed attempts in 2023.

  • Do something that you enjoy. For me this has been reading fantasy novels. I wish I had more time to do this last year but I have enjoyed reading on my Kindle and taking it with me everywhere I go.

    • I have also enjoyed some cozy gaming via Fae Farm on the Nintendo Switch.

  • Make plans with friends - this can be virtual or any activities that are happening in your area. A few ideas are ax throwing, pottery painting, candle pouring where you create your own candle scent or checking out any new museum exhibits that are happening in your area.

  • If you come across something that you do want to change for the new year - this is the time to make a plan on how you will make those changes.

    • I decided that I want to buy a new car, so I made a budget to save for that, researched the cost of insurance for my top models and any other fees that come with buying a new car and scheduled some road tests.

    • Travel is high on my list this year so I have a list of places that I want to visit and I am breaking down the following for each location.

      • Best time of year to visit this place

      • Put a watch on flights with Google flights

      • Look at popular attractions I want to visit and bookmark them

      • Build the budget for this trip

I would love to hear what you are doing to start the new year, be sure to comment on Tik Tok @nine9finds or IG @nine9find.s

Your Peace comes with following Your Pace and Your Process.

* Sweatshirt can be found at this Black Woman Owned Business - All Goodt Things.


Universal Studios, FL Prep


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