Play All Day

Play time for Gus is very important to keep him occupied but mostly to ensure that he is not nosing around in my stuff. Early on, Gus let me know that he is a chewer ( I took off his collar from the shelter and he immediately chewed through it) - he will chew on anything that is available when he gets bored. With that revelation I decided to load up on various textures of chew toys so he could always be entertained.

Your dog does not know the cost of these toys, they will all be ripped apart the same way. With that sentiment in mind I refuse to pay more than $10 for a chew toy that can be dismantled in 10 mins or less.

FREE Game Idea: Play sniffing games around the house. I usually use cheese and his couch blanket or a towel, he has the time of his life taking that apart and sniffing through for every piece of food. This game also forces him to use his nose and tires him out.

On most days Gus will chew or play with 3-4 different textures of toys.

His favorites are linked below: