Gus Finds


Gus is my 3 year old Labrador Retriever and the very best dog. I decided to rescue him after 1 month of fostering him from the county shelter two months after moving to Phoenix. He is an awesome 4 legged friend that I have grown to love unconditionally. As we go through the “new dog mom” phases I’ll share all of the finds that are Gus related. The goal for this section is to be realistic, keep it affordable and always stylish. From his shampoo to bow ties and even a trainer (if you are in the Phoenix area) Gus finds are here.

Leash & Harness

I love this collar and harness because Gus is reactive and if a random dog crosses his path I can easily restrain him. This set is very durable, easy to clean and comfy for Gus.


Summer Dog Shoes

Oppressive Heat = Gus needs shoes too! Gus actually likes wearing his Qumy shoes because the ground is very very hot and will burn his paws. Gus will often wear his shoes with no problems but sometimes the shoes don’t do their job and fall off. Thankfully its usually only one shoe, but I can tell that he appreciates a longer walk with protected paws in the summer time.

Dog Food & Treats

Almost one year into our first year together Gus still had dry flakes. Yes we live in a very hot climate but nothing seemed to work for getting rid of those darn flakes. I went to a Pet store that specialized in animal nutrition and they recommended a better quality food that was in my price range. Gus ended up loving Instinct The Raw Brand food and I’m excited to try the other flavors (lamb, chicken beef )the favorite with Gus has been Salmon. This food has significantly less filler in it and produces a solid poop (because we all pick up our dog poop RIGHT?!). Once Gus approved the food I did the subscribe and save so its cheaper than the store.



Gus will not wear a sweater or anything cute like the other internet dog celebrities. I can’t even get him to hold still for a picture. So we finally agreed on bowties, I like them because they are small, cheap, make him look less scary (how could anyone think that face is scary?!) and add a friendly talking point for strangers. Gus is pictured in his Birthday Bowtie which he wore for the entire month of May. If you want to know where his harness and collar are from click the “Find It” button below.


Walking Essentials

Having a reactive dog can make a regular walk feel like an Ocean’s 11 mission. Is there a dog around the corner? Does someone have their dog off leash? What distraction game is the most effective for this situation? Basically, if there is a problem, it will find Gus on our walk. In order to keep him safe from bad encounters I carry the following items.


Gus at home

The best advice I was ever given when purchasing dog stuff was don’t spend a ton of money. They are literally going to eat, sleep and maybe have an accident or two in this bed. Go to your local Home Goods, TJ Maxx or Marshalls and buy whatever works for your dog. They have so many options you can’t go wrong and honestly this is not where you want to break the bank. Both of his beds have a cover that unzips so I wash them when he gets a bath. Things like treats and poop bags were about $5 cheaper here and I would also like to give special mention to Gus who is the least pickiest eater of all time. The items listed below(that are not linked) were all purchased at one of those stores. Until Gus secures a sponsor for his items the TJX brand will be just fine.

  • Day and Crate Bed

  • Poopbags ( because we all pick up our dog’s poop RIGHT?!)

  • Raised feeder

  • Crate cover


Toys & Puzzles

  • Antlers

  • Chewing bone

  • Hyde chips

  • Crinkle Toys



  • Oatmeal Shampoo

  • Dry Shampoo

  • Grooming glove

  • Towel

  • Carpet Cleaner