Adios Gym Rats

I love being in a gym, but sometimes I need a break. For most people it is not the greatest place and when the new year folks fill it up, being a new person doesn't feel so welcoming. What if you tried to move your body in a way that was not traditional exercise? I have found skating to be a great option for movement without needing a gym.  Conveniently many non traditional fitness studios have new member passes well after the new year and their own 21 or 31 day challenge.

Remember Groupon? Its still alive and well for fitness packages, you can try any exercise class bundle under the sun for a discounted rate. If the gym is not your vibe try a workout class, try an oculus or a ring fit if you are a gamer, try a yoga class if you are wanting to start with something that is lower impact.

There is also walking, biking, intermittent jogging (walk one min run 2 mins) pilates, barre, hiking, belly dancing, rock climbing, martial arts and so much more. Maybe this is your chance to try something completely different and see how you feel. There is always a blog from some person saying that "insert non-traditional exercise" changed my life and I never thought it would. Tip: You can always search a studio on Instagram to see what their vibe is like and what their followers post about the classes before trying it out.


Quitting the Gym


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