Where Have You Bean???

In a time when Starbucks and coffee shops were closed I decided to dive into the world of coffee. There are several blogs that are dedicated to the vast world of coffee, but I wanted something affordable, easy and efficient. I prefer to make my own cold brew concentrate but coffee is something that can be customized to your taste. My perfect morning cold brew includes cold brew concentrate, crushed ice and a dash of oat creamer.

  • Caffeine Queen

    Introducing one of our fave coffee influencers!

  • My Current Bean: FAMILIA PEIXOTO

    These are the beans that I am currently using for my daily cold brew.

  • How Do You Brew?

    Personalized recommendations from CT Caffeine to step up your coffee game.

My Main Beans


The beans listed below are a few of my favorite options when making cold brew. They have great flavor are affordable and in most cases can be ordered online. Keep a close eye on this list as it continues to grow.